Personal Tax

June 20, 2018
Vehical Expenses 101 : Deducting Vehicle Expenses from Income
Every client has asked me this – Can i claim expenses incurred on my Car against my income? Can I reduce my taxes by doing so? What do I need to do to claim Car/Vehicle Expenses? Well I am going to answer all these questions and more in this blog
I would like to summarize the whole Vehicle Expense answer into this statement :
You can write off your vehicle expenses if used the vehicle for business and if you did, you need to keep track of all vehicle expenses and also keep the relevant receipts.
What Can I deduct in Car expenses ?
- Gas and oil
- Repairs and maintenance
- Insurance
- Lease costs or depreciation
- License fees
What is Business Use ? Travelling from office to a client is considered business and vice versa. You can only write off the proportion of expenses used for business purposes. Personal travel is not deductible. To do this, you should keep a kilometer log of your business use.
Can I deduct travel from home to office and vice versa ? Travel from your home to the office is personal and the km’s can’t be counted, similarly, travel from the office to home is also personal. Tip : However, if you drive from home, to a client and then to the office (or vice versa – from the office to a client to home) then the entire trip is considered business.
What do I need to do, to deduct Vehicle Expenses ? To justify your vehicle expenses, you should maintain as accurate a vehicle log as you can – Kilometer Log. The log should detail the date of the trip, the place you are travelling to, the person you are meeting with and the number of kilometers driven between Key points.
What if I don’t keep a Kilometer log? Then in that case, your actual business use will be scrutinized by an auditor who will more than likely challenge the percentage you have chosen. Tip : In some cases, CRA has allowed taxpayers to go back and formulate a log (i.e. based on appointments, events, etc.). In other cases some have allowed a test month where a detailed log is kept for a period of time and the period under audit is assessed using that amount.
What records should I maintain to deduct Vehicle Expenses? –
- Kilometer log : As mentioned, a kilometer log should be maintained to justify your kilometers
- Receipts & Bills : For a proprietor/partner, you must keep all of your gas receipts, repairs and maintenance invoices, insurance policies, etc.
- Proof of Payment : You should also have some sort of “proof of payment” such as Credit Card statements or your bank statement (for debit transactions).
Note: Its not a good idea to pay cash for gas. (we’ve had auditors state “Anyone can get their hands on a gas receipt and use it as their own”). With the receipt and a statement, you will have no problems. Typically, we ask clients to use one credit card for all of their business expenses including their vehicle expenses. Make vehicle mileage a part of your monthly expense reports (more to follow on expense reports). Your kilometer log should make sense when compared to your gas receipts and maintenance logs (don’t get carried away by over-claiming the mileage. An audit can easily reveal the true vehicle mileage).
What if I have 2 vehicles that I use for business? You would basically have to do 2 vehicle expense worksheets for the 2 vehicles and do the best you can to allocate the expense among them.Another option is to take the total expenses of both vehicles and then take the total business km’s driven on both cars as a proportion to the total km’s driven on both cars.
Do I have to keep Kilometer log if a vehicle is used 100% for business? You could claim the 100% business use but you still need the log to prove it. In that case all the km on the log would be business so the log would have to prove that.
Can Winter Tires be deducted as an expense? Yes, you could claim the winter tires under Repairs & Maintenance expense.
What if I have leased a vehicle, how much expense can i claim? The limit on deductible leasing costs for lease entered after Jan 1,2024 is $1,050 + HST
What if I have purchased/financed a vehicle, how much expense can i claim? The maximum capital cost allowance limit for passenger vehicles purchased in 2024 is $37,000, plus applicable federal and provincial sales taxes, and the limit for eligible zero-emission passenger vehicles (CCA class 54) is $61,000.
The maximum allowable interest deduction for 2024 is $350 per month for new automobile loans entered into on or after January 1, 2024.
In case you have any comments or questions please feel free to leave them in the comments sections below or you can send us an email at or chat with us online at our website or you can send us messages at our Facebook , LinkedIn or Twitter Pages, the link to all of them is in our home page. You can also chat with us at our WhatsApp no. 905-581-5412.
Personal Tax

June 1, 2018
Self Assessment Canadian Tax System
The Canadian tax system is based on self-assessment, in that the government relies on you to report all your sources of income completely and accurately.
For Employees :-
- Institutions, employers and organizations are required to report income and other amounts paid to individuals and corporations on information slips (i.e. T- slips).
- These slips are filed with the government, therefore keep in mind that the CRA has information on your income before you even file your tax return.
- Once you have filed your return, the CRA does a “sweep” of the slips in its system. It compares the slips you have filed against what they have on file. If you miss a slip, they will re-assess you for it and send you the tax bill plus applicable interest.
- If you continue to “forget” to file slips or not report them, they could charge you penalties for unreported income. These are quite substantial on the second offence.
For Self Employed :-
- Even though your income may not be reported on a slip, you must still declare all of your income (i.e. foreign source pensions, dividends, interest, business income, professional income and income associated with your rental properties etc.)
- It is up to you to properly account for, and report them and if you fail to do so and CRA finds it that you have been evading taxes by not disclosing, there could be very harsh penalties.
- As these kinds of income doesn’t have a slip issued to CRA, it is up to the taxpayer to provide the information to declare this as income on the tax return.
Deductions and Tax Credits for All :-
Deductions and tax credits are up to you to report accurately. There are expenses and deductions that the CRA typically asks for documents upon review.
Common Questions Asked: –
- Do banks reports deposits to CRA?- The banks do not report deposits. When CRA does a full audit, they will ask to see bank statements for all family members in the household and ask for an explanation for deposits they cannot trace. CRA can’t check your bank accounts without informing you and there has to be a reason why they would do so (i.e. audit or special investigations typically). When someone is audited by CRA, they request all bank, credit card, and loan statements. In practice, we rely on the client and tell them it is their responsibility to report their income accurately.
- Should I report unearned income? – The best way to explain unearned income is to think of it as a deposit. For example, if you give me a $200 deposit to prepare your taxes, then I have not yet earned that $200 until I do the work and complete it. If you gave me that deposit on December 31 for example and I did not start the work, then at year end it would be classified as $100 of unearned income. I would not have to pay tax on this amount. If I complete your returns on January 15, then the $200 becomes income at that point and will be reported.
- Any penalties/interest if I have a refund and filed the tax return late? – As long as it is a refund, there should be no penalties and interest assessed. Late filing penalties are only assessed on balances owing. Interest may still be charged depending on the circumstances (if there were late or deficient installments, when the amounts due were actually paid, etc.)
- Should we file a return for 16 year old? – If there is income earned by the 16 year old, then I would file a return. If there is no income or tuition credits (which probably wouldn’t be the case for a 16 year old), then no need to file. In short, we usually file kids’ returns when they start making money or have income to declare.
In case you have any comments or questions please feel free to leave them in the comments sections below or you can send us an email at or chat with us online at our website or you can send us messages at our Facebook , LinkedIn or Twitter Pages, the link to all of them is in our home page. You can also chat with us at our WhatsApp no. 905-581-5412.
Personal Tax

March 22, 2018
The Canadian tax system is based on self-assessment in that the government relies on you to report all your sources of income completely and accurately.
Institutions, employers and organizations are required to report income and other amounts paid to individuals and corporations on information slips (i.e. T-slips). These slips are filed with the government, therefore keep in mind that the CRA has information on your income before you even file your tax return.
Once you have filed your return, the CRA does a “sweep” of the slips in its system. It compares the slips you have filed against what they have on file. If you miss a slip, they will re-assess you for it and send you the tax bill plus applicable interest.
If you continue to “forget” to file slips or not report them, they could charge you penalties for unreported income. These are quite substantial on the second offence.
Even though income may not be reported on a slip, you must still declare all your income (i.e. foreign source pensions, dividends, interest, etc.). It is up to you to properly account for, and report business income, professional income and income associated with your rental properties.
Deductions and tax credits and deductions are up to you to report accurately. These are expenses and deductions that the CRA typically asks for documents upon review.
Due Date for T1 Returns:
Tax returns and tax payments due April 30.
Individuals with self-employment income
Tax returns are due on June 15.
If tax is owing, payments should be made by April 30, otherwise CRA begins charging interest (but no penalties).
If your spouse is self-employed, your return is also due June 15 even though you may not have self-employment income. However, as above payments should be made by April 30 to avoid interest charges.
Tax returns for deceased individuals
Due the later of the following two dates:
- April 30 of the year after death (or June 15 if self-employed)
- Six (6) months after the date of death
What this means in practice is that if an individual dies November 1 or later, they will have some extra time to file their return. Dates of death prior to October 31 are due on April 30.
Trust returns are due 90 days after the year end date of the trust (not 3 months, 90 days).
You can find more information related to this on the CRA website, please find below the link to it: –
In case you have any comments or questions please feel free to leave them in the comments sections below or you can send us an email at or chat with us online at our website or you can send us messages at our Facebook , LinkedIn or Twitter Pages, the link to all of them is in our home page. You can also chat with us at our WhatsApp no. 905-581-5412.